Monday, April 28, 2014

too long in the sun

I feel that the time is just flying by, the work week is over before you know it, then the weekend is gone in the blink of an eye.  I can hardly believe that it is almost May.  I still have not gotten to DMV or to the dealer for a new tire.  Everyday I see motorcycles, and all I want to do is go for a nice long ride.  I would love to have a little vaca.  Going away is not in the plans just yet as we are having some outside home repairs being done.   We have put in the vacation forms, and are waiting for approval.  We had the back porch and garage roof fixed and replaced.

There has been lots of time for outside stuff though, everything is blooming, and we have been, well Andrew has been, planting, moving, and separating flowers and shrubs.  I got a little pissy when I realized someone had come by and lopped off the tulips, what nerve. 

I would like to replant the hostas that were in the flower bed at the back walk that got trampled on.   I have to go to Lowes and Home Depot for some flowers and veggies.  I can't wait to have the herb, veggie and flower beds all set up.  We were thinking about having two herb gardens, one on the front side of the house and one in the backyard.  I think I am going to get sunflowers, I think they are happy, very happy. 

Andrew placed some solar lights in his Mom, and they look great.

Last summer we planted spicy oregano, I am hoping that I will be able to get that again this year.  I told Andrew that I would like to have three different types of tomatoes and the same four different types of basil, they were each great in their own way.

As I am writing this, I am smiling like a happy idiot, I feel light and uplifted.  

having too much fun

Friday, April 25, 2014

tell you one thing...

As the days roll on by I think about all the crap that needs to be done, I don't want to do half, maybe not even a quarter but it has to be done.  I have to do the dreaded "spring cleaning".   The major problem I have is....beginning.  I have the hardest time starting.  I just have to begin, I know that once I start it will all just come together.  I will have order.  Then I have to keep it that way.  

I may have a whole lot of chores to do, but I had to go take a couple of pics of in the front corner of the yard.....

I have a picture of my Mom & Dad standing on Easter Sunday a few years ago.  I love that picture.  I just love these tulips too, they are tall, vibrant in color and oh so beautiful.  I often look at that picture of my parents and it brings so many different emotions. 

My mother-in-law's flowers are almost all spent, the leaves are open for the most part.  While I am sad that the flowers are gone, I am glad to see the leaves, it means that it is going to keep on getting warmer.  She is going to have to be trimmed this year, much to Andrew's chagrin.  While he knows that it has to be done, he doesn't want to do it.

Andrew cut back his fig tree last year, I know that he is stressing out about how it is going to fare this summer and what the crop is going to be like.  There is nothing whatsoever going on with the tree yet.  I know that it will bloom and have copious amounts of fruit.  I have a few recipes waiting to be made.  I am not rushing anything along, I want to enjoy each and everyday, because they are a gift.

I have been working hard on my new class, that I want to hurry up and finish, my hand hurts from all the writing.  I have to take lots of notes, so I don't forget anything, I don't know what is going to be on the quizzes or the tests.  I have set the bar pretty high this time for myself, I want a perfect score.  On my final exams for my last two courses were good, but this time I want perfection. 

we are better together

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

true love.....

Sometimes you need

a pair of them.....
hers & his....

the seasons go by

I have the black finger of death, I joke about how lucky we are that the kids are still alive.  I am an equal opportunity killer.  I kill flowers, plants, trees, veggies, herbs and electronics.  Yeah, pretty much everything.  I am not allowed to water anything, well let's face it, I will probably drown it, if I touch things they generally kick the bucket.  Electronics or appliances generally give up the ghost due to my tutelage.  If I don't out and out kill them, they usually need the repairman or Andrew to fix them.  The Sear's guy is on speed dial.  I even killed the radio in my truck.  Well not just me, country helped.  That is my story and I'm sticking to it.

The only time I am permitted to get to close to growing things it is to take the pictures, and we all know how I feel about pictures.  So here are a few that I took in the last couple of days.

The flowers on Mrs. Gallo are almost gone, and her leaves are popping out.

The tulips on the side of the house are ready to bloom.
Yesterday, it was warmer out than in. 

These pink Hyacinths have a very light fragrance.  It is not overwhelming at all.  Of course, an extreme close-up.

Not so close.

to the songs in the wood.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

It'd be that your mistakes will be your own

 They may only be here for a moment, but they last in my minds eye forever...

When I look at Mrs. Gallo's flowers, I think of her.  She was an incredibly strong woman, she persevered more than she should have ever had to.  I wish she was still here for purely selfish reasons, Andrew misses his mom, and so do I. 

 She was truly a good woman.

That your sins will be your own....

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

ad meliora.....

Every single, solitary moment.

Today is a fine day, so was yesterday, the day before that, and day before that.  Everyday.

Spring is here with all it's glory, and today we are having April Showers. is Tax  

They say that good things come to those who wait, that one day you will see, and even what you were looking for has always been in front of you.   I have waited. 

Today.  I wish my wish, I know it can't be.

Semper Anticus.....

Thursday, April 10, 2014

And as I pulled you tighter

Everyday, everyday, everyday....

With each passing day things are getting a tad greener, growing perceptively, and getting closer to bloom.  I take pictures of the days growth, and when I load them on the computer, it is like I am seeing them with new eyes.  I can go back many years to pictures that I have taken and see how things have grown, withered, and died.  Then come the spring and renewal, life begins again after a long winters rest.  Flowers that last year broke because of someone's carelessness have healed considerably, began to grow again. 

There a slight blooms on the forsythia, I have to remember to tell Andrew to look.  Mrs. Gallo is a blooming fool, she looks so beautiful. 

The daffodils are beautiful, Andrew planted daffodils into the patch that the Hosta funkies were in.  We are going to replant flowers, bulbs, and hopefully maybe a Rose of Sharon.

Gabriella would love a Bleeding Heart.  I must look into that.

We have tulips growing on the dining room table, this just brightens the room so much.

They are perfect.  The tulips are in Mor's crystal bowl, I love that bowl.  I can remember it always being in the center of her dining room table.  They had Danish Modern furniture and the table was a very dark color, and the finish on the table was amazing.  The finish on our table is satin, I wonder how it would look with a high gloss finish.

I look at everything as it is, maybe it is not perfect, life seldom is, but it is good, life is good, very good.  We all have a choices.  I have made mine, eyes wide open.

I swore I'd never let you go....