There has been lots of time for outside stuff though, everything is blooming, and we have been, well Andrew has been, planting, moving, and separating flowers and shrubs. I got a little pissy when I realized someone had come by and lopped off the tulips, what nerve.
I would like to replant the hostas that were in the flower bed at the back walk that got trampled on. I have to go to Lowes and Home Depot for some flowers and veggies. I can't wait to have the herb, veggie and flower beds all set up. We were thinking about having two herb gardens, one on the front side of the house and one in the backyard. I think I am going to get sunflowers, I think they are happy, very happy.
Andrew placed some solar lights in his Mom, and they look great.
Last summer we planted spicy oregano, I am hoping that I will be able to get that again this year. I told Andrew that I would like to have three different types of tomatoes and the same four different types of basil, they were each great in their own way.
As I am writing this, I am smiling like a happy idiot, I feel light and uplifted.
having too much fun