Sunday, February 16, 2014

olive branch.....

Olives....  it is said that there is an olive tree in Italy that is 3500 years old.  They(olive trees) have been seen as symbols of tradition, they have witnessed hundreds of years of time gone by.  When our daughter was small, we would play a game about who could be quiet the longest, she would always loose, a trait she inherited from me.  There is a farmhouse on a road where we live, one evening we were driving past it playing the game, when I thought about the walls in that very old house, the laughter, tears, fears, hopes, dreams, and love that was in that house and what they were witness to.  If they could talk or somehow share what they have seen, it would give someone else the ability to witness another's  struggle, joys, fears, loss, experience.  The walls in our house are not as old, but they bear witness to the inside of our family.  They have given us shelter, warmth, much joy, sadness, and of course, love.   All of these trials make us who we are, and what we are made of.  They lay testament to how we survive and learn.

I don't care for olives, I do however love olive oil, also olive wood cooking implements, cutting boards, and serving platters.  Olive wood is also prized for it's strength, durability, and interesting grain.  When Andrew sees things made out of olive wood, the first thing he does is smell them, I look at him and see him looking at whatever it is with such joy.  I have seen him look at our children, photographs, our family, our home with the very same look.  I love that look, I truly do.  It has brought me much happiness and joy.  When he looks at me, I see that look....

The symbolism behind the olive is one of forgiveness, the branch to reach out and try to make peace.  I have that peace.  Just like the olive tree that is twisted and gnarled, so are our feelings.  We learn to make peace so that we can grow, shine and be strong....

living in the shade of the olive tree and  holding out the olive branch is my home......

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