Saturday, May 2, 2015

I will provide for you

It hit me a few years ago that whenever I left the house to go hang out, my parents had no way of really knowing where I truly was.  I know that when I left the house I said I was going to hang out, with a vague statement about where I would be.  I would have been hanging out on the corner, in the park, sometimes at the schoolyard, or even down by Shore Road.  I was probably doing at least three things that I should not have been doing.   My Mom set a curfew and I was as punctual as a fine watch.  I figured that as long as I was on time and it was all good.

That worked for me until we had kids......I really don't know how my Mom did it.

I guess it is about letting go and hoping that you taught them well. 

I'll stand by your side

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