Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Woo Hoo....where are you?


I keep looking for signs of Spring, but I am very sorry that I can't find any.  Not even a spit of green from the crocuses, not even a hint of yellow from the forsythia.  There is nothing going on outside in the garden, except footprints from the mailman being lazy, walking across them instead of using the walk from Mr. B's house to Ours'(as I shake my head thinking about it).  Everything in the garden is sleeping, and I, for one, am looking forward to my favorite time of the year.

I went out and took a couple (two) pictures at ground level of what is going on out there.  I am not enjoying the temps either.  I heard last night that we were half way through the winter.  I have to admit though a part of me is truly enjoying the close quarters, we seem to have more togetherness, true togetherness and I love it immeasurably. 

I know that in the spring things will change, doors and windows will open, and we will emerge from our toasty cocoon, to a fragrant, new and exciting season.  I can wait, with enjoyment for the newness of the bounty that is before us, rejoice and relish today, smiling at yesterday,  having my eyes wide open for tomorrow.

For now I am going to stay very toasty, look at pictures of last Spring, and enjoy the second act of the the cocoon.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

A troublesome tattoo.....

I was just thinking about lyrics in songs and how certain ones just have profound effect on you.  They have a meaning or maybe just the turn of a phrase effects you so deeply that they stay with you for eternity.  This has happened to me....

The lyric or line makes a picture flash in your minds eye and you forever know it, associate that memory with that lyric.  I have an eclectic taste in music, I like most types, there was always music on in the house where I was raised, I know what my Mother's favorite song was when she was pregnant with me.  There has always been music on wherever I have lived.  The radio, Ipod, CD, vinyl or some other source is always on in my house.  If you know me, more oft than not, I will have music on the speakers and something different playing in my ears.  I sing too, extremely bad, really, really, really extremely bad, but I sing.  I also dance, sometimes I even get caught.

I would make playlists for each and every vacation I would go on.  They would be themes for the holiday.  I would date them, and after the holiday was over, I would listen and remember the good times.  I have even made playlists for others, I used make mix tapes for people when I found out that they like certain artists or themes.  But sorry to say, it never meant as much to them as it did for me.

I treasure my music, it has brought me a lifetime of pleasure, music to my memories, and it has made me feel less alone.  Music is my friend, it understands me when I can't find the words, helps me make sense of things that I don't understand.  Music has soothed my pain, enhanced my happiness, and thrilled me immeasurably.  It has brought me closer to some very special people who have loved me.

We all have our favorite lyric, they are our touchstones to our memories.  I wish that I could write something profound, even if it is just one line.   I can't.....but I can use a lyric written by someone and use it as my own, with my own meaning and feeling.

I hope that I have passed my music onto my kids, I think that I have.....

You and the wedding coat you wore.......


Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Putting in.....

I was laying in bed in the small hours of today thinking about how true the saying of "you get what you give"....and how true it is.  I am not going to wax poetic on my virtues of how I sought to give more than I received because I think that most would say that they do, but I also believe it not to be true.  I think most people are opportunists, we take from others what we can, and leave the rest, sometimes with little regard.

We have all been slighted and hurt, some more egregiously, but we learn from the hurt and pain to be a bit more road wary.  We keep traveling forward because it is far worse to keep on tripping over yesterday.  We learn, we grow, we soldier on.

I, myself, am going to give and say thanks for what I have, appreciate, respect, and love all that I have been awarded because it is truly amazing. 

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Snowin' and snugglin'

It has been snowing here since this morning.  I thought they said that it would start late morning, early afternoon.  It started around 8:00 am.



I came around to the front.  I remember the very first moment I saw our house, I knew it was home.  I had a snow day, so after I took some pictures then I went to get a shovel, I shoveled the snow.  It most certainly did not feel like it was 22.5 degrees.

I just found out tomorrow is a Snow Day......woohoo woohoo

Sunday, January 19, 2014


Yesterday I got up at 6:00 am, I know why...

I really did not want to get up but Chico came upstairs to wake me, he had to go out.  Needless to say, Buddy was not having any of that, he wasn't coming.  So I hurried downstairs, turned on the coffee pot, put Chico out, down one more, had a quick pee, cause I hear Chico barking, he can only go out for 11 seconds, ran up, got him, poor dog walked into the porch door, then back door, then stair door, then chair, then me, then waited in the middle of the kitchen for a cookie.

I waited forever for the coffee pot to heat, I swear it takes too long, made a cup, went to family room, to read the news......

I looked out the window a couple of times, a little rain, nothing much, after reading all that I could about "BridgeGate" I went and made another coffee.

I don't know what time it was when I looked out, then when I looked out again, 5 minutes later, bam....
I could not believe it....snow

I was shocked.....

I had to take a couple of pictures....

Then 20 minutes later....nothing....all gone....

Friday, January 17, 2014

Fortunate One.....

I can say that I am the fortunate one....

I have been granted all that I have truly needed, maybe not what I wanted, but what I needed. 

I fear some aspects of life and hope I can escape them.

To die all at once, just not too soon, would be a blessing.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

I'm going to make gravy....

I am waiting for the Spring, I love the Spring.

Everyday gets longer, maybe just by a minute, longer than it was yesterday, but not as long as it will be tomorrow.

I look forward to tomorrow, I am happy for today and I am not going to waste it.  Yesterday is done.

 I have all the ingredients to make gravy.

Tonight we will share the gravy with loved ones.....

Monday, January 13, 2014

The Flatiron Building

I still have not put the ceramic Christmas trees away.  I don't think that I truly want to.   They cast the nicest light and they make me feel nostalgic.  Some of the trees have been made by Gabriella and I at Nora's in Keyport.  Others were made by my Mother and Kiki.  I look online to see if there are different shapes and sizes.  I have an eclectic mix of white, pearl, and green ones.  I think that I will make a blue one next. 

We all have things that bring us joy just as we have things that bring us sorrow.  Ever since I was a kid my parents always took us to Manhattan.  We would go either Saturdays or on Sundays.  Most of the time it was on Sundays.  We would go to Chambers Street to the end lot stores, or to the PushCart.  Then on to Weber's across the street, eventually to Canal Street.  I would look up at the lofts and see in my mind's eye me living in them.  The cross streets off of Canal were my favorites.  You could look up and see the great space.  The inside of the buildings were fantastic.

I don't remember when I saw it or when I found out about it, but it has always been my favorite building....The has drawn me in.  My parents would drive past it so I could look at it.  I think that they enjoyed my fondness of it.  I don't know what it is, but something about that building stirs me.  My Dad would hold or park the bus in different places so that we could get to look at it from the different sides to get different views.  The building just holds me in awe.   I have never been inside of it, but when I do....

My parents have given me a couple of prints of the building..

This is one of my favorites...
I had the good fortune of having to pass it on my way from Penn Station to Dr. Lee's office on 20th and 1st Ave.  I have taken quite a few pictures my self and made them my wallpaper on my phone and computer.  I even have been lucky enough to be given a little metal statue of it.  Finally, after languishing in the basement in the box, I have put up and placed my very own Flatiron, a gift from Kathy and Mike.....

Now it sits on the peninsula, glowing happily, making me feel warm and fuzzy.

These things that others have done has made me feel cared about, understood, and mostly loved.  They knew that I had a thing for the building and made it possible for me to be indulged. 

Thanks so very much....

Friday, January 10, 2014

Getting carried away.....

Maybe I am getting a little carried away this time.

Full throttle that is me....

or stop...

I need to find the perfect medium.

for me....