Thursday, February 27, 2014

171, 318, 6801, 92, and 45.....

I give over.  I know who my favorite person to be with is, and I know where my favorite place to be is.  It is one in the same.  It is where I want to be, it is where I belong.

Sometimes we have to go the long way around to be back to where we began.  We sometimes take people for granted and assume that they will always be there, waiting for us to return from a journey that we thought that we needed.  Problem is that what we were looking for, we already had. We need to put right what was rent asunder.  To begin again, where we were first, the calm before the tempest.  The time back to where we began before we got lost.  It is like seeing the sun after a storm, the air is clean and clear.  We begin with fresh feelings and have the treasure trove of the memories that bind us together,  we learn to forgive and learn that we all have faults, cracks, breaks that need to heal to become better.  Better together.  We become new....

We have had and will continue to have the best of days, and those days will roll into months, and months to years, years to decades.....

back where it all begins.....

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